She's a cop. He's a writer.
The Problem
ABC Studios needed to expand the Web 2.0 presence of its shows following the critical success of Lost.
The Solution
Utilize large-scale social media platforms, like Twitter and ABC's own outward-facing marketing pages, to create custom interactive content for viewers.
For Castle, we were a team from inside the writers' room that created stories specifically for Twitter (100k+ followers) told through eyes of titular character Richard Castle. My most successful tweet, which also was the account's second-highest-engaging tweet, began the Easter tradition of Peep Jousting, which we then built on every subsequent year.
We also created narrative campaigns involving other characters from the Castle universe for story lines we premiered during the summer network hiatus. My campaign about Richard having his phone stolen on the NYC subway was so convincing that it convinced a network executive the account had been stolen, forcing us to end the campaign early.
I also blogged for the character Detective Kevin Ryan on, where Ryan would provide his
Twitter writer, campaign contributor and designer, blogger